FMD12: 37th Chamber Full Fight Videos free on YouTube…
The demand for our fight videos is always high, from fans who weren’t able to attend the show to fighters wanting to study their game and pitch advertising deals to sponsors, we get hit up all the time to release our videos.

After airing our first season on True Visions, we realised we could reach a much wider audience if we published our fights online. So there you go; here’s the start of a series of full fights from Full Metal Dojo events, starting with the most recent, FMD12: The 37th Chamber, held on 9th June 2016 at Insanity Nightclub, Bangkok, Thailand.

First fight on the card was an amateur bantamweight bout between Rockie Bactol 4-0 (Lions Head) and Jadjan Yotiphai 2-1 (King MMA).

Check out the full fight here >>>

FMD12: Rockie Bactol Vs Jadjan Yotiphai

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